75+ Student Survey Questions to Collect Valuable Students Feedback

Emma David, a seasoned market research professional, specializes in employee engagement, survey administration, and data management. Her expertise in leveraging data for informed decisions has positively impacted several brands, enhancing their market position.

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student survey questions

Student survey questions help school administrators to periodically collect feedback and suggestions from the students to improve student engagement.

This can be simply done by frequently sending out student surveys.

A perfect blend of funny and serious student survey questions helps in bridging the gap between students’ expectations and reality about a school’s educational practices.

What are Student Survey Questions?

Student survey questions are often sent out by educational institutes at the beginning, middle, or end of the school year to measure student engagements. Such questions help students to voice their opinions, needs, and desires.
High school student surveys are crucial because the collected information is the insights from your students, who have been with you all year. It encompasses several highlights about the key areas of improvement, including school curriculum, safety, education models, teachers, and more.

For example, How interesting does this teacher make this subject? Or How excited are you about going to this class?”.

75+ Student Survey Questions for Valuable Students Feedback

For best results and meaningful data, the type of survey questions for students should be chosen in accordance with the survey goals. Else, it may confuse the students and you may end up gathering inaccurate data and lower survey response rates.

Student Engagement Survey Questions

Student engagement surveys act as a guide for understanding how engaging and valued your students find your lesson and courses. Then the collected information can be well-utilized to make lessons even more engaging and useful.

Below are some of the questions you can use to easily gather data on student engagement.

1. How did you find this month’s course load?

2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: I found value in what I have been learning so far this month?

3. Do you feel focused in your class

4. Do you feel this month’s learning was exciting?

5. What could compel students to participate in class discussions?

6. What more resources do you think the college should offer?

7. During the last 3 months:

8. How many hours a week do you spend participating in school’s extracurricular activities?

9. Overall, how interested are you in your classes?

10. Which aspects of the class do you find least engaging?

11. How do you know when you are feeling engaged in your class?

12. How keen are you to participate in your class activities and discussions?

13. What aspects of the school do you like the most?

14. What aspects of the school do you dislike the most?

15. Is it easy for you to stay focused on your classes?

Student Satisfaction Survey Questions

A student satisfaction survey enables administrators to analyze how satisfied the students are with their learning environment, school facilities, and other aspects of the school curriculum.

For measuring students’ satisfaction, try to ask relevant and to-the-point questions. For example, asking about their last year’s school trip is unlikely to collect student satisfaction about the quality of food service in the school cafeteria.

Therefore, choose the student satisfaction survey questions from the list below to collect accurate information about students’ satisfaction.

1. How helpful is your course advisor?

2. How safe do you feel while being on the school campus?

3. How helpful is the school staff with administrative and other issues?

4. How satisfied are you with the hostel facilities?

5. How satisfied are you with the quality of extracurricular activities offered at school?

6. How satisfied are you with the overall experience studying at this school?

7. How easy it is to get/access the resources from the school library?

8. How well-maintained are the school and hostel facilities?

9. How satisfied are you with the quality of the food served at the school cafeteria?

10. How convinced are you with the school policies?

11. How likely are you to continue attending this school/university next school year?

12. How likely are you to recommend this educational institution to others?

13. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the quality of the following facilities at your school:

Create your own student survey

Student Course Evaluation Survey Questions

With a course evaluation survey, you can ask students -about various aspects of their courses including course structure, mentor feedback, course material, teaching aids, etc. The collected data helps administrators to improve the overall education quality of their schools, aiding in future course creation decisions.

Below are the questions that you could include in a course evaluation survey:

1. Do the lectures, tests, and assignments complement each other?

2. Do the resource materials, including books, readings, handouts, study guides, lab manuals, and software, help increase your knowledge and skills in the specific subject?

3. Does the course help you understand the fundamental concepts?

4. Does the course give you the confidence to do more advanced work in the subject?

5. Do the examinations and projects help you measure your knowledge of the course material?

6. Do you believe that what’s been asked to learn in this course is important and practical?

7. Would you recommend this course to other students?

8. Overall, does this course meet your expectations?

9. Was the course helpful in progressing toward your degree?

Teacher Evaluation Survey Questions

A student survey for teachers is essential to evaluate their teaching methods and attitude towards students. Such surveys are beneficial in highlighting the possible issues students encounter while dealing with their course teachers.

The responses collected by the student-teacher survey questions help schools in improving the behavior and teaching model of their teaching staff.

Some examples of such questions are:

1. Do you find your teacher knowledgeable?

2. Does your teacher answer your doubts on their subject?

3. How effectively does your teacher react to students’ suggestions?

4. Would you recommend this teacher to the other classes?

5. How clearly did your teacher explain the course material?

6. Was your teacher concerned that students were learning the material?

7. How organized for the class was your teacher?

8. How well does your teacher answer students’ questions?

9. Was the speed for presenting course material too fast, too slow, or about right?

10. Did you find homework assignments relevant to understanding the course material?

11. Is it easy to contact your teacher outside of class?

12. What are the areas where your teacher did really well?

13. Are there any areas that should be improved?

Student Harassment Survey Questions

Student harassment survey a.k.a. bullying survey helps administrators to pinpoint and analyze various aspects that lead to an act of bullying in schools. One can use student harassment questions to stop bullying at their schools and provide students with a healthy learning environment.

Below are the questions that you could include:

1. Do you feel safe at your school?

2. During this academic session, how many times have you been bullied?

3. Can you tell us how you were bullied?

4. Have you talked to anyone about being bullied?

5. How many students have bullied you?

6. Where do you think bullying occurs the most?

7. This year, how many days have you missed school because you felt unsafe coming to school?

8. Would you take action if you saw someone being bullied at school?

9. Do you experience violence at home?

10. Why do you think some students are bullies?

11. What do the adults in your school campus do when they see bullying?

12. Have you ever carried a weapon to the school?

13. What can the school do to stop bullying?

14. Have you ever been arrested by the police?

Back-to-School Student Survey Questions

At the start of each school year, it may be difficult for teachers to get to know their students. Every student possesses different characteristics – some are friendly and talkative while others may be more introverted and shy.

For this reason, you can send out back-to-school student surveys to learn more about each of the students.

Below are some questions that you could include in your questionnaire:

1. What’s your full name?

2. Have you ever been known by a nickname? If yes, what is it?

3. What quality do you think is the most important in a teacher?

4. What career do you want to pursue in the future?

5. Do you want to go to college? Why or why not?

If you want to go to college, which one do you want to attend?

6. In what position do you see yourself in five years?

7. Do you have a college preference?

8. What do you wish to learn in this classroom?

9. Which school activities would you like to participate in?

10. Are you interested in any extracurricular activities like a band, sports, or theater?

11. Do you have friends in this classroom?

12. What do you typically do in your leisure time?

13. Do you have any hobbies?

14. What are you looking forward to this year the most?

Best Question Types for an Engaging Student Survey

Less engaging surveys often capture inaccurate results and experience lower survey response rates. Hence, including the relevant and diverse question types can help you capture genuine student feedback and achieve a higher survey response rate.

1. Closed-ended questions: Closed-ended questions are helpful in capturing qualitative data and are easy to answer. Such questions generally start with ‘Can’, ‘Did’, ‘Will’ or ‘Have’. The data collected from close-ended questions are easy to analyze as it is available in a tabular format, which assists decision-makers to make decisions quickly.

2. Open-ended questions: These questions cannot be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Instead, they require the respondent to explain their viewpoints in a few words. You can use open-ended questions to allow students to openly share their opinions/concerns around a specific topic.

3. Multiple choice questions: Multiple choice questions are the most commonly used survey question type. Respondents find it easier to select one or more options from a list of defined answers. MCQs make surveys easy, which helps produce easy-to-analyze data.

4. Preference questions: As the name suggests, this question helps gauge respondents’ preference about a specific topic. You can include this question type to collectively understand your students’ likes and dislikes about something.

When preparing for an exam, what would you prefer the most”?

5. Ranking questions: This question type offers quantitative data by allowing respondents to identify which objects are most and least preferred. You can use the ranking questions to analyze the order of importance the items have in the minds of students.

Steps to Conduct a Student Survey

Now that you are familiar with the best survey question types, you should follow these steps to create an effective student survey.

1. Set your Goals and Objectives

For your surveys to yield higher response rates and accurate information, you need to set your goals right. This will help you decide the survey tone and the good survey questions for students you should choose.

For instance, if you want to know the student’s perception of the course, then you should ask questions like – How satisfied are you with the course material?”

Therefore, setting up your goals and objectives is the first thing you must do cautiously before creating a student survey.

2. Set Up a List of Student Survey Questions and Create the Survey

Once you have decided on your survey goals, you can choose the question types you can include to gather accurate information from the students. Now, make use of online survey software to start creating your survey.

Also, while drafting the school survey questions, keep the language as simple as possible. Use images, gifs, and conditional branching to offer the best survey experience.

3. Send the Survey

With online survey tools such as ProProfs Survey Maker and Qualaroo, you can easily share surveys via email, social media platforms, direct links or you can easily embed them to your company’s website, blog, or Facebook page.

4. Analyze the Responses

Once you start getting feedback from students, share the results with your team members and start analyzing the results via charts and graphs for quick reference. Look for the trends and patterns that will help you take necessary actions for improving the overall effectiveness of your school.

How to Create a Student Survey Using ProProfs Survey Maker

After deciding upon the survey goals and types of questions that you will be using, all you need to do is select the right platform to create and share your survey. If you have the right tool at your disposal, you can effortlessly create a student survey in minutes.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Choose an Online Tool

The best online survey software supports easy survey creation via an intuitive dashboard. They also provide useful reports and rich insights. ProProfs Survey Maker is the perfect example here, which features advanced filters, drop-down options, and customized reports for easy analysis of the research data.

To create a quick survey, select “create a survey” tab from the dashboard.


Step 2: Use Ready Made Templates

For a quick survey creation, choose a ready-made survey template that provides you with a starting point. Choose from a variety of available educational survey templates available, including student surveys, faculty satisfaction, parent engagement, teacher feedback, course evaluation, and more.

Also, you can choose to create a survey from scratch.

create-a-student-survey – 1

Step 3: Choose Questions

As discussed above, you can make use of various question types including open-ended questions, closed-ended questions, etc to capture student opinions. ProProfs Survey Maker has a library of question templates, including thousands of question types like multiple choice, rating scales, NPS, Likert scale, and more that makes survey creation a simple task.

Here are some examples of the common education survey questions:

You can find hundreds of sample survey questions for students to build a survey in minutes.

Step 4: Survey Branding and Customization

Giving a personalized touch to a student survey is essential for better engagement. With ProProfs Survey Maker users have the leverage to choose various customization options to add company logo, colors, and images.

For creating a beautiful survey, you can select a predefined theme or upload your custom logo, backgrounds, fonts, etc.

Step 5: Apply Skip Logic

The success of a survey depends on how well it’s been tailored to the respondent. Advanced features like skip logic and branching help you create interactive surveys that ask only the relevant questions to the user.

You can apply skip logic, also known as conditional branching, to present the next question to the students based on their answer to the current question. Meaning, the answer to the previous question will tell which question needs to be presented to the students next.

Skip logic benefits student surveys in the following ways:

Step 6: Preview and Send Your Survey

Once you are done with formatting, branding, and customizing your student survey, make sure to preview your survey before finally sending it to students. This will help you check if there are any mistakes or logic issues.

Choose the Preview option from the top bar.

Proprofs Survey Maker enables you to preview how your survey will appear on different screens, including desktops, tablets, smartphones, and popups.

Once you’re done with the preview, you can click done. Now you are ready to send it out and collect your survey responses.

Choose the Best Student Survey Questions

Students always have so much to share and you never know how it could help in transforming the way your education model works. Hence, student surveys cannot be discounted. It can bring in thousands of thoughtful feedback with minimal effort.

All you have to do is select the right set of student survey questions because it will make it much easier to motivate students to provide honest answers. And the collected feedback will undoubtedly assist you with a precise focus on the key areas that need improvements and a chance to know the best aspects of your institute.

Also, don’t overlook using a survey tool such as ProProfs Survey Maker or Qualaroo that will help you with easy survey creation and sharing via social media, email or website. The tool comes with 100+ pre-built survey templates.

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